Running DFSIO mapreduce benchmark test

What is DFSIO?

DFSIO is part of the hadoop distribution and can be found in "hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-*-tests.jar" for MR2. There are two types of DFSIO tools but i will be discussing TestDFSIO only. TestDFSIO is Distributed I/O Benchmark tool as per the help description below. There are several options you can pass into the tool.


Option Description
-read This must be run after executing TestDFSIO with write option. This reads the generated data from hdfs://namendoe:8020/benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_data
-write This generates data based on file options and writes it to hdfs://namendoe:8020/benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_data
-append Can be run after executing TestDFSIO with write option. Will append to existing data under hdfs://namendoe:8020/benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_data
-clean Removes all data generated by TestDFSIO under hdfs://namendoe:8020/benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_data
-nrFiles Number of files to generate within HDFS. This is also equivialvent to the number of map tasks that will get executed.
-fileSize Genterate a file for each map task ( -nrFiles ) with this size. Example -nrFiles 10 -fileSize 250GB would generate 2500GB of data in HDFS cluster
-resFile Path to local file system ( not hdfs ) where TestDFSIO will store the resutls for the test
-bufferSize Buffer size in bytes for each map tasks when reading and writing IO. Defaults to 1000000bytes ( about 1MB )

Get usage from cli

[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$ hadoop jar /usr/lib/gphd/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.0.2-alpha-gphd- TestDFSIO -help
13/08/21 11:27:41 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: TestDFSIO.0.0.6
Illegal argument: -help
Usage: TestDFSIO [genericOptions] -read | -write | -append | -clean [-nrFiles N] [-fileSize Size[B|KB|MB|GB|TB]] [-resFile resultFileName] [-bufferSize Bytes] [-rootDir]

Other Available benchmarck tools:
[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$ hadoop jar /usr/lib/gphd/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-*-tests.jar
An example program must be given as the first argument.
Valid program names are:
  DFSCIOTest: Distributed i/o benchmark of libhdfs.
  DistributedFSCheck: Distributed checkup of the file system consistency.
  JHLogAnalyzer: Job History Log analyzer.
  MRReliabilityTest: A program that tests the reliability of the MR framework by injecting faults/failures
  SliveTest: HDFS Stress Test and Live Data Verification.
  TestDFSIO: Distributed i/o benchmark.
  fail: a job that always fails
  filebench: Benchmark SequenceFile(Input|Output)Format (block,record compressed and uncompressed), Text(Input|Output)Format (compressed and uncompressed)
  loadgen: Generic map/reduce load generator
  mapredtest: A map/reduce test check.
  minicluster: Single process HDFS and MR cluster.
  mrbench: A map/reduce benchmark that can create many small jobs
  nnbench: A benchmark that stresses the namenode.
  sleep: A job that sleeps at each map and reduce task.
  testbigmapoutput: A map/reduce program that works on a very big non-splittable file and does identity map/reduce
  testfilesystem: A test for FileSystem read/write.
  testmapredsort: A map/reduce program that validates the map-reduce framework's sort.
  testsequencefile: A test for flat files of binary key value pairs.
  testsequencefileinputformat: A test for sequence file input format.
  testtextinputformat: A test for text input format.
  threadedmapbench: A map/reduce benchmark that compares the performance of maps with multiple spills over maps with 1 spill

Test runs

Running the Write Job

hadoop jar /usr/lib/gphd/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.0.2-alpha-gphd- TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 64 -fileSize 16GB -resFile /tmp/TestDFSIOwrite.txt

13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: ----- TestDFSIO ----- : write
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:            Date & time: Wed Aug 21 10:56:45 PDT 2013
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:        Number of files: 64
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Total MBytes processed: 1048576.0
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:      Throughput mb/sec: 23.046824301966463
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Average IO rate mb/sec: 23.143465042114258
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:  IO rate std deviation: 1.5490700854356283
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:     Test exec time sec: 796.676
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:

[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_write/part*
f:rate    1481181.8
f:sqrate    3.4433252E7
l:size    1099511627776
l:tasks    64
l:time    45497635

Running the Read job

hadoop jar /usr/lib/gphd/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.0.2-alpha-gphd- TestDFSIO -read -nrFiles 64 -fileSize 16GB -resFile /tmp/TestDFSIOwrite.txt

13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: ----- TestDFSIO ----- : read
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:            Date & time: Wed Aug 21 11:03:45 PDT 2013
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:        Number of files: 64
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Total MBytes processed: 1048576.0
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:      Throughput mb/sec: 46.94650035960607
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Average IO rate mb/sec: 47.33715057373047
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:  IO rate std deviation: 4.734873712739776
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:     Test exec time sec: 414.219
13/08/21 11:03:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:

[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_write/part*
f:rate    1481181.8
f:sqrate    3.4433252E7
l:size    1099511627776
l:tasks    64
l:time    45497635

Running the Write Job

hadoop jar /usr/lib/gphd/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.0.2-alpha-gphd- TestDFSIO -write -nrFiles 4 -fileSize 250GB -resFile /tmp/TestDFSIOwrite.txt

13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: ----- TestDFSIO ----- : write
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:            Date & time: Tue Aug 20 23:17:38 PDT 2013
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:        Number of files: 4
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Total MBytes processed: 1024000.0
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:      Throughput mb/sec: 161.73416935999862
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Average IO rate mb/sec: 161.75624084472656
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:  IO rate std deviation: 1.8999879033336318
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:     Test exec time sec: 1603.932
13/08/20 23:17:38 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:

[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_write/part*
f:rate    647024.94
f:sqrate    1.04674768E8
l:size    1073741824000
l:tasks    4
l:time    6331377

Running the read job

hadoop jar /usr/lib/gphd/hadoop-mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.0.2-alpha-gphd- TestDFSIO -read -nrFiles 4 -fileSize 250GB -resFile /tmp/TestDFSIOwrite.txt

13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: ----- TestDFSIO ----- : read
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:            Date & time: Wed Aug 21 09:40:12 PDT 2013
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:        Number of files: 4
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Total MBytes processed: 1024000.0
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:      Throughput mb/sec: 122.51965010589454
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Average IO rate mb/sec: 122.5361557006836
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:  IO rate std deviation: 1.4152211082822392
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:     Test exec time sec: 2141.713
13/08/21 09:40:12 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:

[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$  hdfs dfs -cat /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_write/part*
f:rate    647024.94
f:sqrate    1.04674768E8
l:size    1073741824000
l:tasks    4
l:time    6331377

Understanding the results

Code from

835     double med = rate / 1000 / tasks;
836     double stdDev = Math.sqrt(Math.abs(sqrate / 1000 / tasks - med*med));
837     String resultLines[] = {
838       "----- TestDFSIO ----- : " + testType,
839       "           Date & time: " + new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()),
840       "       Number of files: " + tasks,
841       "Total MBytes processed: " + toMB(size),
842       "     Throughput mb/sec: " + size * 1000.0 / (time * MEGA),
843       "Average IO rate mb/sec: " + med,
844       " IO rate std deviation: " + stdDev,
845       "    Test exec time sec: " + (float)execTime / 1000,
846       "" };

About the Math

Working out the details for 64 files 1TB job

First have to collect the RAW mapreudce results:
[gpadmin@hdm3 ~]$ hdfs dfs -cat /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_write/part*
f:rate    1481181.8
f:sqrate    3.4433252E7
l:size    1099511627776
l:tasks    64
l:time    45497635

The actual results from the test
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: ----- TestDFSIO ----- : write
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:            Date & time: Wed Aug 21 10:56:45 PDT 2013
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:        Number of files: 64
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Total MBytes processed: 1048576.0
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:      Throughput mb/sec: 23.046824301966463
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO: Average IO rate mb/sec: 23.143465042114258
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:  IO rate std deviation: 1.5490700854356283
13/08/21 10:56:45 INFO fs.TestDFSIO:     Test exec time sec: 796.676

here is how the results are calculated
Throughput = size * 1000 / time * 1048576
Throughput = 1099511627776 * 1000 / 45497635 * 1048576
Throughput = 1099511627776000 / 47707728117760 = 23.04682430196646
AVG IO Rate = rate / 1000 / tasks
AVG IO Rate = 1481181.8 / 1000 / 64 = 23.143465625
Standard Deviation = square root of ( absolute value(sqrate / 1000 / tasks - AvgIoRate * AvgIoRate))
Standard Deviation = square root of ( absolute value(34433252 / 1000 / 64 - 23.143465625 * 23.143465625)) =  1.549051762996757

Why is 64 file throughput write test better then the 4 file test?

64 file test has a write throughput of 23MB/s and the 4 file had a write throughput of about 161MB/s. 64 file test yielded better results for a few reasons.

  1. The Test exec time sec is 50% better during the 64 file test. This the total time it takes for the hadoop jar command to execute.

  2. In these tests there is always one reducer that runs after the all map tasks have completed. The reducer is responsible for generating the result set in /benchmarks/TestDFSIO/io_write/part-00000 file. It basically sums up all of these values "rate,sqrate,size,etc.." from each of the map tasks. So the Throughput, IO rate, STD deviation, results are based on individual map tasks and not the overall throughput of the cluster. We know that nrFiles is equal to number of map tasks and this specific cluster configuration will allow for up to 79 simultaneous Map tasks to execute. In the 64 file test there will be 16 map tasks running simultaneously on each nodemanager node versus 1 map tasks on each node in the 4 file test. The 4 file test yields a throughput results of 161MB/s on each nodmanager node. The 64 file test yields ( 16 * 23MB/s ) 368MB/s per nodemanager node. Clearly the 64 file test proves the mapreduce/HDFS performance optimal and the 4 file test is less then optimal. It also shows how mapreduce IO performance can vary depending on the data size, number of map/reduce tasks, and available cluster resources.

  3. One last key point is the STD deviation. If you see the STD deviation being considerably high ( i don't have a use case ) then we can assume one of the cluster nodes is exhibiting performance related issues. Could be hardware or software related.

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