
Why Tshark

Tshark works like tcpdump, ngrep and others, however as it provides the protocol decoding features of Wireshark, you will be much more confortable reading its output as it makes network analysis on terminal more human.

Tshark is a terminal application capable of doing virtually anything you do with Wireshark, but with no need for clicks or screens. This makes it great when you need to do some scripting, such as cron scheduled captures, send the data to sed, awk, perl, mail, database or so.

Tshark is a great fit for remote packet capture, on devices such as gateways, you just need to login ssh and use as you would do on localhost.

Capture, read and write packets

In our first run on Tshark try to call it with no parameters, this will start capturing packets on the default network interface.


There may be more than one interface on your machine and you may need to specify which one you want use. To get a list of available interfaces use the -D

tshark -D

Once you find out which interface to use, call Tshark with the -i option and an interface name or number reported by the -D option.

tshark -i eth1

tshark -i 3

Now that you can capture the packets over the network, you may want to save them for later inspection, this can be done with the -w option.

tshark -i wlan0 -w /tmp/traffic.pcap

To analyze the packets from the previously saved traffic.pcap file, use the -r option, this will read packets from the instead of a network interface. Note also that you don't need superuser rights to read from files.

tshark -r /tmp/traffic.pcap

By default name resolution is performed, you may use -n and disable this for a best performance in some cases.

tshark -n


If you are on a busy network, you may have screen like on the Matrix movies, with all kind information, flowing too fast and almost impossible to read. To solve this problem Tshark provides two types of filters that will let you see beyond the chaos.

Capture filters

You can use the traditional pcap/bpf filter to select what to capture from your interface.

Search for packets relaated to the host on port 80 or 53.

tshark -i 2 -f "host and (dst port 53 or 80)"

Ignore packets on multicast and broadcast domains

tshark -i eth3 -f "not broadcast and not multicast"

Display filters

Display filters are set with -Y and have the following syntax

To see all connections from host

tshark -i eth0 -Y "ip.addr=="

Display HTTP requests on TCP port 8800

tshark -i eth0 -Y "tcp.port== 8800 and http.request"

Display all but ICMP and ARP packets

tshark -i eth0 -Y "not arp or icmp"


Sometimes you need more or less information from the network packets to be displayed, also you may need to specify how/where to show this information. The following options let you do exactly this.

Use -V to make Tshark verbose and display details about packets, from frame number, protocol field, to packet data or flags.

The -O option is much like the -V option, however this will show details of a specific protocol

tshark -i eth2 -O  icmp

Use the -T option to output data in different formats, this can be very handy when you need a specific format to your analysis. such as when you are using Tshark to fill some database

tshark -i wlan0 -O icmp -T fields -e frame.number -e data

If you choose fields to the -T option, you must set the -e option at least once, this will tell Tshark wich field of information to display, you can use this option multiple times to display more fields

tshark -r nmap_OS_scan_succesful -Y "tcp.ack" -T fields -e frame.number -e ip.src -e tcp.seq -e tcp.ack -e tcp.flags.str -e tcp.flags -e tcp.analysis.acks_frame

To get a complete list of the possible fields to use with the -e flag use -G option as below

tshark -G fields | less

Further formatting can be done with the -E flag, you can show/hide headers, set quote character and more.

Look at the following command that combine these options to produce a CSV file.

tshark -r captured.cap -T fields -e frame.number -e frame.encap_type -e frame.protocols -e frame.len -e ip.addr -E separator=, -E quote=d > outfile.csv


Sometimes you may want an analytical report, in this case use -z option followed by one of the many report types available.

Report on SMB , DNS and IP protocols.

tshark -i ens1 -z smb,srt -z dns,tree -z http,tree -z hosts

List of IP conversations

tshark -r cap.pcap -z conv,ip

To get a list of the available reports try the -z help option.

tshark -z help

Secure sockets

You can also analyze encrypted connections like SSL, the following example is showing the HTTP within the secure socket layer

Here we are displaying packets on the TCP port 443, telling Tshark to be verbose with the HTTP protocol, do segmentation on SSL, search the private key on the PEM formatted server-x.key file and dump debug information on the debug-ssl.log file.

tshark -r encrypted-packets.pcap -Y "tcp.port == 443" -O http \

-o "ssl.desegment_ssl_records: TRUE" \

-o "ssl.desegment_ssl_application_data: TRUE" \

-o "ssl.keys_list:,443,http,server-x.key" \

-o "ssl.debug_file: debug-ssl.log"


This is how to start using Tshark to sniff out packets from your networks, help you to figure out where to look when problems arise, debug your network services, inspect security and analyze the general health.

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