
$ ps -ef | awk '{ print $1 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
 34 root
 8 apache
 7 hal
 1 UID
 1 rpc
 1 ntp
 1 mysql
 1 dbus

The "1 UID" line is a result of the initial header line from ps. If we wanted to get rid of that we could do something like "ps -ef | tail +2 | awk …", but the above is good enough for most purposes.

When you have an employee file with duplicate entries, you can do the following to remove duplicates.

$ sort namesd.txt | uniq
$ sort –u namesd.txt

If you want to know how many lines are duplicates, do the following. The first field in the following examples indicates how many duplicates where found for that particular line. So, in this example the lines beginning with Alex and Emma were found twice in the namesd.txt file.

$ sort namesd.txt | uniq –c
      2 Alex Jason:200:Sales
      2 Emma Thomas:100:Marketing
      1 Madison Randy:300:Product Development
      1 Nisha Singh:500:Sales
      1 Sanjay Gupta:400:Support

The following displays only the entries that are duplicates. Hack 16. Cut Command Cut command can be used to display only specific columns from a text file or other command outputs. The following are some of the examples. Display the 1st field (employee name) from a colon delimited file

$ sort namesd.txt | uniq –cd
      2 Alex Jason:200:Sales
      2 Emma Thomas:100:Marketing

results matching ""

    No results matching ""