Hadoop Admin Cert

Meet Hadoop:

realtional data is often normalised to retain integrity and remove redundancy. Normalization poses problems for mapreduce because it makes reading a record a nonlocal operation. one of the central assumptions that MapReduce makes is that it is possible to perform high speed streaming reads and writes.

HDFS (17%)

Design of HDFS:

There are a number of specific goals for HDFS:

• Store millions of large files, each greater than tens of gigabytes, and filesystem sizes reaching tens of petabytes.

• Use a scale-out model based on inexpensive commodity servers with internal JBOD (“Just a bunch of disks”) rather than RAID to achieve large-scale storage. Accom- plish availability and high throughput through application-level replication of data.

• Optimize for large, streaming reads and writes rather than low-latency access to many small files. Batch performance is more important than interactive response times. 7 • Gracefully deal with component failures of machines and disks. • Support the functionality and scale requirements of MapReduce processing

  • very large files

  • Streaming data access HDFS built around idea: most efficient data processing pattern is write once, read many times pattern

  • Commodity hardware: doesnt require expensive hardware, designed to run commodity hardware. fault tollerance.

  • low-latency data access: applications with low-latency access to data will not work well with hdfs. hdfs is optimized for delivering a high throughput of data. hbase is better choice for low-latency.

  • lots of small files: namenode holds filesystem metadata in memory, the limit to the number of files in a fs is governed by the amount of memory on the nn. each file, directory and block take up 150 bytes. e.g. one million files = 300mb in metadata in mem.

  • Multiple writes, arbitary file modifications.

Anatomy of a file write:

  1. client connects to the NameNode
  2. NameNode places an entry for the file in its metadata, returns the block name and list of DataNodes to the client
  3. client connects to the first DataNode and starts sending data
  4. as the data is recieved by the first datanode, it connects to the second and starts sending data
  5. second datanode similarly connects to the third ack packets from the pipeline are sent back to the client
  6. client reports to the namenode when the block is written

HDFS block replication strategy

  1. first copy of the block is placed on the same node as the client -if the cleint is not part of the cluster, the first block is placed on a random node

  2. second copy of the block is placed on a node residing on a different rack

  3. third copy of the block is placed on different node in the same rack as the second copy

Anatomy of a file read

  1. client connects to the namenode

  2. namenode returns the name and locations of the first few blocks of the file (closest returned first)

  3. client connects to the first of the datanodes, then reads the block

if the datadatanode fails during the read, the client will seamlessly connect to the next one in the list to read the block

HDFS file permissions

files in hdfs have an owner, group and permissions. read(r), write (w), and execute (x) for each of owner, group and other. x is ignored for files. for directories, x means that its children can be accessed.

HDFS conecepts:


    a disk had a block size, wich is the min amount of data that it can read or write. Filesystems blocks = few kb, disk blocks = 512 b. filesystem matience include df and fsck - operate on a block level.

    hdfs blocks are much larger - 64 MB by default. files in hdfs are broken into block sized chunks which are then stored as independent units.

    the hdfs blocks are large to minimise the cost of seeks.

    benefits: havin block abstraction for a distributed fs means a file can be larger than any single disk in the network.

    simplifies the storage subsystem.. as blocks are fixed sizes it is easier to calculate ho many can be stored on a disk

    each disk is replicated to a small number of physically seperate machines (default = 3) --> client will not notice if a replicated block is corrupted. part of data integrity model (page 81)

    hadoop fsuk / -files -blocks will list the blocks that make up each file in fs.


    the namenode manages the filesystem namespace. it maintains the fs tree and the metadata for all the files and directories in the tree. all stored in the namespace image and the edit log. it also knows the datanodes on which all the blocks for a given file are located. does not store block location.

    Datanodes are the workhorses of the filesystem. they store and retrieve blocks when the are told to. they give reports of blocks they are storing.

    it is important to make the nn resilient to failure. hadoop does this by:

    1) buck up files that make up the persistent state of the fs metadata.

    2) it is possible to run a secondary namenode (does not act as a nn) its main role is to periodically merge the namespace image with the edit log to prevent the edit log from becoming too large.


    hdfs fed allows a cluster to scale by adding namenodes, each of which manages a portion of the fs namespace. e.g one nn might manage all files rooted under /user, and second manages /share.

    to access a fed hdfs cluster, clients use client side mount tables to mpa file paths to namenodes. config using ViewFileSystem

    The one major way in which namenode federation is different from running several discreet clusters is that each datanode stores blocks for multiple namenodes. More precisely, each datanode has a block pool for each namespace. While blocks from different pools are stored on the same disks (there is no physical separation), they are logically exclusive. Each datanode sends heartbeats and block reports to each name-node.


hdfs HA uses a pair of NAmeNodes. one active and one standby. clients only contact the active. datanodes heartbeat in to both namenodes. active namenode writes its metadata to a quorum of JournalNodes. standby namenode reads from the JournalNodes to remain in sync with the active Namenode

active namenode writes edits to the JournalNodes.

there is no secondary namenode when implementing hdfs high availability

the namenode is still a single point of failure even with a fed. (SPOF). the namenode is the sole repo of the metadata and the file-to-block mapping. if the nn fails, everything fails.

to recover:
    admin starts a new primary nn with one of the fs metada replicas and configures datanodes and clients to use this nn. needs to:
        1) load its namespace image into memory
        2) replaces its edit log
        3) recieved enough block reports from the datanodes to leave safe mode.

spoort for HDFS High availability (HA):
    there is a pair of namenodes in an active standby config. event of failure of active nn, the standby takes over its duties to continue servicing client requests.

        1) must use shared storage to share edit logs, requires NFS filer
        2) datanodes must send reports to all nn instances.
        3) clients must be configed to handle nn failover

hdfs HA uses a pair of NAmeNodes. one active and one standby. clients only contact the active. datanodes heartbeat in to both namenodes. active namenode writes its metadata to a quorum of JournalNodes. standby namenode reads from the JournalNodes to remain in sync with the active Namenode

active namenode writes edits to the JournalNodes.

there is no secondary namenode when implementing hdfs high availability

deployed as a pair of namenodes. the edits write ahead log needs to be available on both nn so stored on shared storage (NFS)/ as the active namenode writes to the edits log, the standby namenode is constantly replaying transactions to ensure it is up to date and ready to take over in case of failure.

two types of failover:
  • graceful failover - initiated by admin
  • nongraceful failover - the result of a detected fault in the active process

The Command-Line Interface:

fs.default.name e.g. hdfs://localhost/ : used to set default fs for hadoop hdsf port 8020

dfs.replication : to config replication rate e.g 1

  • copy from local hadoop fs -copyFromLocal local/input/text.txt hdfs://localhost/user/bob/text.txt -copyToLocal

Network Topology and hadoop

 in the context of high-volum data processing, 'closness' is the rate at which we can transfer data between nodes. bandwidith between nodes can be used to measure distance

Data Ingest with Flume and sqoop

Apache flume is a system for moving large quantites of streaming data into hdfs. flume nodes can be arranged in arbitary topologies. flume offers different levels of delivery reliability from best effort delivery, to end-to-end - garuntees delivery even in the event of multiple flume node failures.

apache sqoop designed for performing bulk imports of data into hdfs from structured data.

(parallel copying with distcp) it is also possible to act on a collection of files - by specifying file globs. distcp allows for copying large amounts of data to and from hadoop filesystems in parallel. e.g. for transfering data between two hdfs clusters hadoop distcp hdfs://namenode1/foo hdfs://namenode2/bar

the distcp job is a mapreduce in of itself. (literally just a map job that simply copies). each map typically copyings around 256mb each. e.g. copying 1,000 GB of files to a 100-node cluster will allocate 2000 maps (20 per node) so each will copy 512 mb on average. the arg can be specified using -m e.g. -m 1000 would allocate 1000 maps.


clusters must run identicial versions of hadoop as the RPC systems are incompatible. however the job can still be done by using read-only HTTP based HFTP filesystem to read from source e.g

hadoop distcp webhdfs://namenode1:50070/foo webhdfs://namenode2:50070/bar

Hadoop Archives

hadop stroes small files inefficiently, since each file is stored in a block, and block metadata is held in memory by the namenode, therefore a large number of small files eat up a lot of memory on the nn. (these small files do not take up a block's size worth of data on disk)

Hadoop Archives (HAR) files packs files into hdfs clocks more efficiently therefore reducing nn mem usage.

the archive tool runs a mapreduce job to process input files in parallel. e.g. hadoop archive -archiveName files.har /my/file /my


    * creating a har creates a copy of the original files, so you need as much disk space as the files you are archiving to create the archive - can delete original after.

    * har files are immutable once they have been created. to add or remove files you must re-create

2.0 YARN and MapReduce version 2 (MRv2) (17%)

the framework that is used for execution is set by the mapreduce.framework.name property which takes the values 'local', 'classic' (MR1) and 'yarn' (new framework)

yarn was created due to the fact that for very large clusters in the region of 4000 nodes +, the classical MR system begins to hit scalability botlenecks

YARN remedies the scability problembs of the previous version by splitting the responsibilites of the jobtracker into seperate entities. the jobtracker takes care of both scheduling (matching tasks with tasktrackers) and task progress monitoring (keeping track of tasks, restarting failed or slow tasks, task bookkeeping).

YARN seperates these two roles into two independent daemons : resource manager to manage the use of resources across the cluster. and an application master to manage the lifecycle of applications running on the cluster. the application master negotiates with the resource manager for cluster resources

these resources are described as containers with a fixed amount of memory (applications are run in these containers). containers are overseen by the node manager

Entities involved in YARN:

  • the client, which submits the MR job
  • the YARN resource manager, which coordinates the allocation of compute resources on the cluster
  • the YARN node manager, which launch and monitor the compute containers on the machines in the cluster.
  • the MR application master which coordinates the tasks running the MR job. the application master and the MR tasks run in containers that are scheduled by the resource manager and managed by the node managers.
  • the HDFS which is used for sharing job files between the other entities.

note a small MR task is considerated to be small when the input size is less than one hdfs block and the job is assigned less than 10 mappers.

get figure 6-4 page 198

Job submission

step 1
* has implementation of ```ClientProtocol`` that is activated when ```mapreduce.framework.name``` is set to yarn
* submission process similiar to classic MR
* the new job ID is retrieved from the ```resource manager```
step 2
* the job client checks the output specification of the job
* computes input splits
* copies job resources (inc the job jar, config, and spit information) to HDFS
step 3
* the job is submitted by calling ```submitApplication()``` on the resource manager

Job Initialization

step 4
* the resource manager hands off the request to the scheduler.
* the scheduler allocates a container, and the resource manager then launches the application master's process there, under the node manager's management
step 5a 5b
* the application master for the MR jobs is a java application whose main class is MRAppMaster.
* it initializes the job by creating a number of bookkeeping objects to keep track of the jobs progress
step 6
* retreieves the input splits from hdfs.
step 7
* it then creates a map task object for each split, as well as a number of resuce task objects.
* next the application master decides hoe to run the tasks that make up the MR job

Task assignment

* the application master requests containers for all the map and reduce tasks in the job from the resource manager
step 8
* the scheudler uses the split metadata to make scheduling decisions. it attemps to place tasks on data-local nodes, if not possible then rack local.
* both map and reduce tasks are allocated 1 GB of memory. this can be configured by changing ```mapreduce.map.memory.mb``` and ```mapreduce.reduce.mb```
* in YARN, applications may request a memory capability that is anywhere between the min and max allocation, must be a multiple of the min allocation. the default mem allocation is 1024 MB *set by ```yarn.scheduler.capacity.minimum-allocation-mb```. default max is 10240 MB set by ``yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-allocation-mb```. tasks can request anaywhere between this.

Task execution

steps 9a 9b
* once a task has been assigned a container by the resource manager's scheduler, the application master starts the container by contacting the node manager.
* the task is executed by a java application ehose main class is ```YarnChild```. before it can run, the task it localizes the resources that the task needs, inclusing the job config and the JAR file and any files in the distributed cache
step 10
* it runs the map or reduce tasks
step 11
the YarnChild runs in a dedicated JVM, to isolate the user code from the long-running system daemons. yarn does not support JVM reuse, so each task runs in a new JVM.

Job completion

as well as polling the application master for progress, every 5 seconds the client checks whether the job has the completed by calling the ```waitForCompleteion()``` method on Job.

Faliures in YARN

Things that can fail:

  • the task
  • the application master
  • the node manager
  • the resource manager
Task Failure
  • runtime exceptions and sudden exits of the JVM and hanging tasks are propgated back to the application master.
  • a task is marked as failed after four attempts. mapreduce.map.maxattempts
Application master failure
  • applications in YARN are tried multiple times in the event of failure. default applications are marked as failued if they fail once.
  • yarn.resourcemanager.am.max-retries *an application master sends periodic heartbeats to the resource manager, if the app master fails, the resource manager will detect the failure and start a new instance of the master running in a new container.
  • yarn.app.mapreduce.am.job.recovery.enable is a boolean

Node manager failure

  • if a node manager fails it will stop sending heartbeats to the resource manager, and the node manager will be removed from the resource manager's pool of available nodes.
  • default: 10 minutes, determines the time the resource manager waits before condifering a node manager that has sent no heartbeat during that period as failed.
  • any task or application master running on a failed node manager will be recovered.
  • node managers may be blacklisted if the number of failures for the application is high.

resource manager failure

  • if the rm fails, neither jobs nor task containers can be launched.
  • after a crash, a new resource manager instance is brought up (by admin) and it recovers from saved state
  • the storage used by the resource manager is configed via yarn.resourcemanager.store.class property

Job Scheduling

previous versions of hadoop scheduled jobs in order of submission, called the FIFO scheduler. each job would use the whole cluster. not good for shared cluster usage.

to view all jobs currently running on the cluster: yarn application -list yarn application -list all to view all yarn application -status "app id"

The Fair Scheduler

aims to give every user a fair share of the cluster capacity over time. if a single job is running, it gets all of the cluster jobs are placed in pools, by default each user gets their own pool supports preemtion, so if a pool has not recieved its fair share for a certain period of time, the scheduler will kill tasks in pools running over capacity in order to give more slots to the pool running under capacity org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FairScheduler

this is set as default. it should allow short jobs to coexist with long jobs. should allow resources to be controlled proportionally.

the Fair sch awards resources to pools that are most underserved

each job is assigned to a pool/queue

pools can be predefined or defined dynamically by specifying a pool name when job is submitted

the Fair sch uses three technoques for prioritizing jobs within pools:

  • single resource fairness (default)
  • Dominant resource fairness
  • FIFO

excess cluster capacity is spread across all pools. pools can use more than their fair share when other pools are not in need of resources

if shares are imbalanced, pools which are over their fair share may not asign new tasks when their old ones complete. those resources then become available to pools which are operating below their fair share

Configuring fair scheduler

see hadoop config

The Capacity Scheduler

  • A cluster is made up of a number of queues (like pools), which may be hierarchical (parent/child of another queue), each queue has an allocated capacity.
  • within each queue, jobs are scheduled using FIFO scheduling (with priorities)

MapReduce Configuration Tuning

  • general principle is to give the shuffle as much memory as possible. however this does have a tradeoff, you need to make sure that the map and reduce functions get enough memory to operate.
  • amount of mem given to JVMS in which the map and reduce tasks run is set by mapred.child.java.opts property. make this as large as posible
  • on the map side, best performance obtained by avoiding multiple spills to disk, one is optimal. io.sort.* min the number of spills. increase io.sort.mb
  • on the reduce side, best performance obtained when the intermediate data can reside entirely in memeory. if the reduce side has light mem requirements, setting mapred.inmem.merge.threshold to 0 and mapred.job.reduce.input.buffer.percent to 1.0 is optimal.

note: table 6-1 page 213

extra notes: cloudera admin

mapreduce is a programming model. record -oriented data processing (key value). facilitats task distribution across multiple nodes

where possible, each node processes data stored on that node

in between map and refuce is the shuffle and sort. sends data from the mappers to the reducers

key concepts:

  1. the mapper works on an individual record at a time
  2. the reducer aggregates results from the mappers
  3. the intermediate keys produced by the mapper are the keys on which the aggregation will be based
  4. intermediate data is written by the mapper to local disk during the shufle and sort phase, all the values asociated with the same intermediate key are transferred to the same reducer.

YARN daemons:

  • ResourceManager (one per cluster)

initiates application startup, schedules resource usage on slave nodes

it manages nodes. tracks heartbeats from the nodeManagers.

it runs a scheduler. determines how resources are allocated

it manages containers. hadles applicationMaster requests for resources. deallocates containers when they expire or when the application completes

it manages applicationMasters. creates a container for ApplicationMasters and tracks heartbeats

it manages cluster-level security

  • NodeManager (one per slave node)

starts application processes, manages resources on slave nodes

communicates with the ResourceManager. it registers and provides info on node resources. it sends heartbeats and container status

it manages processes in containers. it launches applicationMasters on request from the ResourceManager. it launches processes on request from the ApplicationMasters. it monitors resource usage by containers, kills runaway processes

it provides logging

runs auxiliary services (persistent applications that provide services to applications. run in Nodemanagers JVM. used by mapreduce for shuffle and sort)

  • JobHistoryServer (one per cluster)

archives jobs metrics and metadata

runnings an application in YARN


allocated by the ResourceManager. require a certain amount of resources (mem, cpu) on a slave node. applications run in one or more containers

Application Master

one per application. framework/application specific. runs in a container. requests more containers to run application tasks

Fault Tolerance

  • Task(Container):

    the applicationmaster will reattempt tasks that complete with exceptions or stop responding (4 times by default). Applications with too many failed tasks are considered failed.

  • ApplicationMaster:

    if applications fail or if applicationMaster stops sending heartbeats, the resource manage will reattempt the whole application (2 times by default)

  • NodeManager:

    if the nodemanager stops sending heartbeats to the resourcemanager, it is removed from list of active nodes. tasks on the node will be treated as failed application

  • ResourceManager:

    no applications or tasks can be launched if the ResourceManager is unavailable. can be configd with HA.

MapReduce v1 Daemons

JobTracker (one per cluster)

manages mapreduce jobs, distributes individual tasks to TaskTrackers

TaskTrackers (one per slave node)

starts and monitors individual map and reduce tasks

YARN (def guide 4th eddition)

yarn provides its core services via two types of long-running daemons:

  • a Resource Manager (one per cluster)
  • a Node Manager : runs on all the nodes in the cluster to launch and monitor containers.

a container executes an application-specific process with a constrained set of resources (memory, CPU etc).

to run an application, a cleint contacts the RM and asks it to run an application master process. the RM then finds a node manager that can launch the application master in a container. the application could then request more containers from the RM to use them to run a distributed computation.

Resource Requests

flexible model.locality is critical in ensuring that the distributed data processing algorithms use the cluster bandwidth efficiently, so yarn allows an application to specify locality constraints for the containers it is requesting. e.g. specific node, rack etc

if locality constraint cannot be met, either no allocation is made, or the constraint can be loosened. e.g. start a container on the same rack that the application requestion the node on.

common task of launching a container to process a HDFS block, the application would request a container on one of the nodes hosting the block's three replicas, or on a node in one of the racks hosting the replicas, or failing that, on any node in the cluster.

Application lifespan

categorised in terms of how they map to the jobs that users run.

1) one application per user job, which is the appraich in that MR takes. 2) second mondel is to run one application per workflow or user session of jobs. containers can then be reused between jobs, potential to share cache intermediate data. 3) long running application that is shared by different users. coordination role. used by impala. to provide a proxy application that the impala daemons communicate with to request cluster resources. the "always on" application master means that users have very low-latency responses to their queries since overhead of starting a new application master is avoided.

In yarn, the resource maanger and an application master (one for each MR job). the jobtracker is also responsible for storing job history for completed jobs, although it is possible to run a job history server as a seperate daemon to take the load off the jobtracker. in yarn the equivalent role is the timeline server, which stores application history

comparison between MR1 and YARN

MapReduce 1 YARN Jobtracker Resource manager, application master, timeline server

Tasktracker Node manager

Slot Container

limitations of MR1

hadoop operations page 85

In YARN, a node manager manages a pool of resources, rather than a fixed number of designated slots. MapReduce running on YARN will not hit the situation where a reduce task has to wait because only map slots are available on the cluster, which is the case in MapReduce 1. If the resources to run the task are available, then the application will be eligible for them

n some ways, the biggest benefit of YARN is that it opens up Hadoop to other types of distributed application beyond MapReduce. MapReduce is just one YARN application amongst many.

Scheduling in YARN

in a busy cluster, an application will often have to wait to have some of its requests fulfulled. tis the job of yarn scheduler to allocate resources to applications according to some defined policy

The FIFO scheduler

places applications in a queue and runs them in the order of the submission. requests for the first application in the queue are allocated first, when finished, the next app in the queue is served.

does not need any config. not sutiable for shared clusters. in a shared cluster it is better to use the Capacity scheduler or Fair scheduler

With the Fair Scheduler (iii. in Figure 4-3) there is no need to reserve a set amount of capacity since it will dynamically balance resources between all running jobs.

The Capacity Scheduler

allows sharing of a hadoop cluster in organisations. each organisation is allocated a certain capacity of the overall cluster. each organisation is set up with a dedicated queue that is configs to use a given fraction of the cluster capacity. queues may be further divided in hierarchical fashion.

a single job does not use more resources than its queues capacity. however if there is more than one job in the queue and there are idle resources available, then the Capacity scheduler may allocate the spare resources to the jobs in the queue even if that casues the queues capacity to be exceeded (queue elasticity)


If the property yarn.scheduler.capacity..user-limit-factor is set to a value larger than 1 (the default), then a single job is allowed to use more than its queue’s capacity.

The Fair Scheduler

The Fair Scheduler attempts to allocate resources so that all running applications get the same share of resources.

Enabling the Fair Scheduler The scheduler in use is determined by the setting of yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class . The Capacity Scheduler is used by default (although the Fair Scheduler is the default in some Hadoop distributions, such as CDH), but this can be changed by setting yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.class in yarn-site.xml to the fully-qualified classname of the scheduler, org.apache.hadoop.yarn.server.resourceman ager.scheduler.fair.FairScheduler.

configured using an allocation file named fair-scheduler.xml that is loaded from the classpath. (The name can be changed by setting the property yarn.scheduler.fair.allocation.file .)

Setting up a hadoop cluster

Cluster specifications

in 2010, the standard:
processor: two quad-core 2-2.5 GHz CPUs
Memory: 16-24 GB ECC RAM
Storage: four 1 TB SATA disks
network: Gigabit Ethernet

why not RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks)

HDFS cluster does not benefit from using RAID for datanode stoage. the redundancy that RAID provides is not needed, since HDFS handles it by replication between nodes.

RAID 0 read and write operations are limited by the speed of the slowest disk in the RAID array. rather use JBOD (just a Bunch Of Disks)

RAID failure of a single disk causes the whole array to become unavailable (therefore the whole node)

how big?

e.g. if your data grows by 1 TB a week and you have three-way HDFS replication, you need an additional 3 TB of raw storage per week. allow 30% for intermediate files and logfiles... therefore one extra machine with the above specs each week.

therefore a cluster that holds two years of data needs 100 machines.

Network Topology

typically there are 30-40 servers per rack, with a 1 GB switch for the rack and an uplink to a core switch or router.

the aggreagate bandwidth between nodes on the same rack is much greater than that between nodes on different racks

#### Rack awareness
* best performance to configure hadoop so it knows the topology of the network. if single rack no more work needed (default).
* for multirack clusters, you need to map nodes to racks. therefore hadoop will prefer within-rack transfers to off-rack transfers
* the Hadoop config must specify a map between node addresses and network locations. ```DNSToSwitchMapping```
* ```topology.node.switch.mapping.imp1 defines implementation. the namenode and the jobtracker use to resolve worker node network locations

Cluster Setup and installation

install java

java 6 or later, latest stable SDK

create hadoop user

* good practice to have dediccated hadoop user account
* small clusters: user's home dir an NFS-mounted drive, to aid with SSH key distribution.
* autofs allows you to mount the NFS filesystem on demand when system access it.

installing hadoop

* after download to /usr/local
sudo tar
sudo chown -R hadoop:hadoop hadoop-install....

ssh config

hadoop control scripts reply on ssh to perform cluster-wide operations.
ssh needs to be set up to allow password-less login for the hadoop user from machines in the cluster. to achieve this. generate a public/private key pair and place it in an NFS location that is shared across the cluster.

ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa *use an ssh-agent to avoid the need to enter a password for each connection

* ensure that the public key in in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on all the machines in the cluster that we want to connect to.
* if the hadoop user's home dir is an NFS filesystem, the keys can be shared across the cluster:
        ```cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys```

Hadoop Configuration

Configuration management

there is no single/ global location for config info. each hadoop node in the cluster has its own config files.

  • there are tools for synchronizing config using rsync. or sdh or pdsh
  • tools such as Chef, Puppet, cfengine and bcfg2 are used to maintain classes of cluster management with predefined config.

control scripts

  • there are many scrips in the bin dir for starting/stopping daemons etc across the whole cluster. first you need to tell hadoop which machines are in the cluster.
  • enter: master(i.e. machine that will determine secondary namenode) and slaves (i.e. datanodes and tasktrackers, each contains a list of machine host-names or IP addresses. all in hadoop-env.sh
  • start-dfs.sh : starts all the hdfs daemons in the cluster

master node scenarios

  • on a small cluster (A few tens of nodes), more convenient to put the namenode, secondary nn and jobtracker on a single machine. as the cluster gets larger, these should be seperated.
  • the nn has a high mem requirement as it holds file and block metadata for the entire namespace in mem.
  • the secondary nn, although idle, has a comparable mem footprint to the primary when it creates a checkpoint. keeping the secondary nn backup on a different node from the nn allows recovery in the event of loss (or corruption) of all the nn metadata files.
  • with a busy cluster, the jobtracker uses a lot of memory and CPU. so best to have its own node.
Golden rules:
    * run the hdfs control scripts from the nn.
    * run the MapReduce control scripts from the jobtracker machine

Environment setting


  • def, hadoop allocates 1 GB of mem to each daemon it runs. controlled by HADOOP_HEAPSIZE setting in hadoop-env.sh
  • the tasktrackers launches seperate child JVMs to run MR tasks in. take up memeory.
  • the max no of map tasks that can run on the tasktracker at one time is controlled my mapred.tasktracker.map.tasks.maximum
  • master nodes: each of the nn and secondary nn and jobtracker daemons use 1 GB each by default
  • general rule of thumb for mem allocation for nn: allow 1 GB of mem per million blocks of storage. e.g a 200-node cluster with 4TB of disk space per node, block size 128 MB and replication X3 has room for around 2 million blovks therefore nn should have 2gb



    System logfiles

    stored in $HADOOP_INSTALL/ by default. HADOOP_LOG_DIR setting in hadoop-env.sh. common choice is /var/log/hadoop. e.g. export HADOOP_LOG_DIR=/var/log/hadoop


* to run hdfs, you need to designate one machine as a namenode. e.g fs.default.name is an HDFS filesystem URI whose host is the namenode's hostname or IP address. default port is 8020.
* other important properties are those that set the storage dir for the namenode and the datanodes. ```dfs.name.dir``` specifies a list of directories where the nn stores persistent filesystem metadata (edit log and image).

fs.default.name         URI                    file:///                The default filesyste. uri defines hostname
                                                                    and port the nn's RPC server runs on. 8020

dfs.name.dir             comma-sep dir         ${hadoop.tmp.dir}/         list of dirs where nn stores metadata
                        names                 dfs/name

dfs.data.dir             comma-sep dir         ${hadoop.tmp.dir}/         list of dirs where the datanode stores blocks.
                        names                 dfs/data

fs.checkpoint.dir       comma-sep dir         ${hadoop.tmp.dir}/         list of dirs where the sec nn stores checkpoints
                        name                 dfs/namesecondary

Hadoop Daemon Addresses and ports

hadoop daemons generally run both an RPC server for comms between daemons and an HTTP server to provide web pages for human reading.

specifying the netwrok add as, hadoop will bind to all addresses on the machine. a port no of 0 instructs the server to start on a free port

misc properties

buffer size

hadoop uses a buffer size of 4kb for its I/O operations. best to increase this to 128kb. in iio.file.buffer.size (core-site.xml)

hdfs block size

defualt 64mb. many clusters use 128 mb or even 256 to ease memory pressure on the nn and to give mappers more data to work on. dfs.block.size (hdfs-site.xml)


moving files into this dir does not actually delete files but rather move them to trash folder. remain for min period before being permanently deleted by the system. min period set by fs.trash.interval. default is 0 so files are never deleted.

can use expunge to trash, which will delete files that have been in the trash longer than their min period. hadoop fs -expunge.

each user has their own .trash folder in their home dir.

cerate users

hadoop fs -mkdir /user/username
hadoop fs -chown username:username /user/username
hadoop dfsadmin -setSpaceQuota 1t /user/username            :    limits thespace in the user dir to 1 TB

YARN Config

in yarn, ther is no jobtracker or tasktracker. instead there is a single resource manager running onnthe same machine as the HDFS nn instead (for small clusters). or on a dedicated machine.

YARN start-yarn.sh script (in sbin dir) starts the YARN daemons in the cluster. cript will start resource manager and a node manager on each machine listed in the slave file.

YARN has ajob history server daemon that provides users with the details of the past job runs, and a web app proxy server for providing a secure way for users to access the UI provided by YARN apps

yarn-env.sh bash script environment variables that are used to run YARN

yarn-site.xml Hadoop config xml configuration setting for YARN daemons, the resource manager, job history server, webapp proxy, and node managers

YARN resource manager address is controlled via yarn.resourcemanager.address (host-port pair). mapreduce.framework.name must be set to yarn for the client to use YARN rather than the local job runner. in new version mapred.local.dir == yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs which allows to specify the local disks to store intermediate data on.

YARN doe not ahve tasktrackers to serve map outputs to reduce tasks. this function then relies on shuffle handlers. these need to be enabled in yarn-site.xml by setting yarn.nodemanager.aux-services property to mapreduce.shuffle

important YARN daemon properties:
yarn.resourcemanager.address                   host and port the resource manager's RPC server runs on

yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs             /tmp/nm-local-dir            list of dirs where node managers allow containers to store                                                                         intermediate data. cleared when app ends.

yarn.nodemanager.aux-services                                         list of auxiliary services run by the node manager

yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb     8192                        the amount of physical mem in MB that may be allocated to                                                                         containers run by the node manager

yarn.nodemanager.vmem-pmem-ratio         2.1                         ratio of virtual to physical memory for containers

Memory (again geeza)

rahter than specifying a fixed max number of map and reduce slots that may run on a tasktracker node at once, YARN allows applications to request an arbitary amount of memory for a task.

node managers allocate memory from a pool, so the number of tasks that are running on a particular node depends on the sum if their memorty requirements, and not simply on a fixed number of slots.

each hadoop daemon used 1 GB, so for datanode and node manager totes to 2 GB, remainder can be dedicated to the node manager's containers by setting yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb to total allocation in MB. def is 8192MB

mapreduce.map.memory.mb : determin memory options for jobs. used to specify how much mem you need for map or reduce task containers.

if a container uses more memory than it has been allocated, then it may be terminated by the node manager adn marked as failed.

Security : Kerberos

Kerberos, a mature open-source network authentifcation protocol, to authenticate the user. it does not manage permissions. kerberos says that a user is who he says he is

Kerberos and hadoop:

1) Autentication : the client authenticates itself to the authentication server and receives a timestamped Ticket-Granting Ticket (TGT)

2) Authorization : the client uses the TGT to request a service ticket from the Ticket granting server.

3) service request : the client uses the service ticket to authenticate itself to the server that is providing the service the client is using.

the kinit command will prompt for a password. this is not required to run every a job or access hdfs since TGTs last for 10 hours

can create a Kerberos keytab file using the ktutil command. a keytab is a file that stores passwords and may be supplied to kinit with the -t option.

to enable Kerberos:

  • set the hadoop.security.authentication property in core-site.xml. MIT Kerberos has to be installed seperately.
  • also need to enable service-level authorization by setting hadoop.security.authorization to true in the same file
  • can configure Access control Lists (ACLs) in the hadoop-policy.xml config file to control which users and groups have permission to connect to heach hadoop service

Delegation Tokens:

instead of using a three-step kerberos ticket exchange protocol to authenticate each call of communication between services (e.g multiple comms between hdfs and nn in read and write), hadoop uses delegation tokens to allow later authenticated access without having to contact KDC again (avoids high loads on KDC)

RPC = Remote proceedure call: is an inter-process communication that allows a computer program to cause a subroutine or procedure to execute in another address space (commonly on another computer on a shared network) without the programmer explicitly coding the details for this remote interaction

kernel tuning (hadoop)

Kernel parameters should be configured in /etc/sysctl.conf so that settings survive reboots.


The kernel parameter vm.swappiness controls the kernel’s tendency to swap application data from memory to disk, in contrast to discarding filesystem cache. The valid range for vm.swappiness is 0 to 100 where higher values indicate that the kernel should be more aggressive in swapping application data to disk, and lower values defer this be- havior, instead forcing filesystem buffers to be discarded. Swapping Hadoop daemon data to disk can cause operations to timeout and potentially fail if the disk is performing other I/O operations

This is especially dangerous for HBase as Region Servers must maintain communication with ZooKeeper lest they be marked as failed. To avoid this, vm.swappiness should be set to 0 (zero) to instruct the kernel to never swap application data


Linux (and a few other Unix variants) support the ability to overcommit memory; that is, to permit more memory to be allocated than is available in physical RAM plus swap.

There are three possible settings for vm.overcommit_memory . 0 (zero) Check if enough memory is available and, if so, allow the allocation. If there isn’t enough memory, deny the request and return an error to the application. 1 (one) Permit memory allocation in excess of physical RAM plus swap, as defined by vm.overcommit_ratio . The vm.overcommit_ratio parameter is a percentage added to the amount of RAM when deciding how much the kernel can overcommit. For instance, a vm.overcommit_ratio of 50 and 1 GB of RAM would mean the kernel would permit up to 1.5 GB, plus swap, of memory to be allocated before a request failed. 2 (two) The kernel’s equivalent of “all bets are off,” a setting of 2 tells the kernel to always return success to an application’s request for memory. This is absolutely as weird and scary as it sounds.

Disk configuration

Datanodes store block data on top of a traditional filesystem rather than on raw devices. This means all of the attributes of the filesystem affect HDFS and MapReduce, for better or worse.

By far, the most common filesystems used in production clusters are ext3, ext4, and xfs.


The third extended filesystem, or ext3, is an enhanced version of ext2. The most notable feature of ext3 is support for journaling, which records changes in a journal or log prior to modifying the actual data structures that make up the filesystem. It supports files up to 2 TB and a max filesystem size of 16 TB when configured with a 4 KB block size. maximum filesystem size is less of a concern with Hadoop because data is written across many machines and many disks in the cluster


ext4 is extent-based, which improves sequential performance by storing contiguous blocks together in a larger unit of storage. This is especially interesting for Hadoop, which is primarily interested in reading and writing data in larger blocks

Another feature of ext4 is journal checksum calculation; a feature that improves data recoverability in the case of failure during a write.

major drawback: burn-in time. Only now is ext4 starting to see significant deployment in production systems.

mkfs -t ext4 -m 1 -O dir_index,extent,sparse_super /dev/sdXN The option -t ext3 simply tells mkfs to create an ext3 filesystem while -j enables the journal. The -m1 option is a hidden gem and sets the percentage of reserved blocks for the superuser to 1% rather than 5%. Since no root processes should be touching data disks, this leaves us with an extra 4% of usable disk space. With 2 TB disks, that’s up to 82 GB


it’s a journaling filesystem, but the way data is organized on disk is very different. Similar to ext4, allocation is extent-based, but its extents are within allocation groups, each of which is responsible for maintaining its own inode table and space.

multiple processes can modify data in each allocation group without conflict

Network Usage in Hadoop: A Review

cloudera admin notes: Hadoop installation and initial config

each machine in the hadoop cluster has its own set of configuration files. config files all reside in hadoop's conf dir. /etc/hadoop/conf

core-site.xml         core
hdfs-site.xml         hdfs
hadoop-policy.xml     Access Control policies
log4j.properties         logging
include,exclude         host inclusion/exclusion in a cluster
allocations.xml         FairScheduler
hadoop-env.sh             Environment variables

in hadoop-env.sh

HADOOP_HEADPSIZE (controls the heap size for all the hadoop daemons, default to 1gb),

when setting env variables, do it here to ensure that they are passed through to the control scripts

configuration value precedence:

config param can be specified more than once. highest-precedence value takes priority

precedence order: (highest to lowest):

  1. values set explicitly in the job object for a MR job
  2. *-site.xml on the client machine
  3. *-site.xml on the slave note

however if a value in a config file is marked as final it overrides all others.

cluster daemons gernerally need to be restarted to read in changes to their config files. datanodes do not need to be restarted if only namenode parameters were changed.

initial config

fs.defaultFS (core-site) : the name of the default fs. includes namenodes hostname and port number e.g hdfs://<namenode01>:8020

hadoop.tmp.dir (core-site) base temp dir, both on local disk and in hdfs

dfs.namenode.name.dir (hdfs-site.xml) : location on the local fs where the namenode stores its metadata

loss of a namenodes metadata ill result in the loss of all data in its namespace. blocks will remain however cannot reconstruct data without metadata. by default, a namenode will write to the edit log in all dirs in dfs.namenode.name.dir

dfs.datanode.du.reserved (hdfs-site.xml) : the amount of space on each volume which cannot be used for hdfs block storage

dfs.datanode.data.dir(hdfs-site.xml) : where on the local filesystem a datanode stores its blocks. comma-sep list.

dfs.blocksize (hdfs-site.xml) : the block size for new files in bytes

dfs.replication (dfs-site.xml) the number of times each block should be replication. default 3.

yarn.resourcemanager.hostname (yarn-site.xml) : host name od the ResourceManager, used by the Resource manager, NodeManagers and clients

yarn.nodemanager.aux-services (yarn-site.xml) : a list of one or more auxiliary services that support application frameworks running under YARN. e.g. shuffle used by nodemanagers

yarn.nodemanager.aux-services."service".class (yarn-site.xml) : the java class correesponding to one of the auxiliary services specified in above config

application logging config

yarn.log-aggregation-enable(yarn-site.xml): Enable log aggregation. Default: false.Recommendation: true. Used by the NodeManagers.

yarn.nodemanager.remote-app-log-dir(yarn-site.xml) :HDFS directory to which application log files are aggregated. Example: /var/log/hadoop-yarn/apps. Used byNodeManagers and the JobHistoryServer.

yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs (yarn-site.xml) : Local directories to which application log files are written. Note that with log aggregation enabled, these files are deleted after an application has completed. Example: /var/log/ hadoop-yarn/containers. Used by NodeManagers.

Mapreduce config

mapreduce.framework.name (mapred-site.xml) : MapReduce execution framework. Default: local. Recommendation: yarn. Used by clients.

yarn.app.mapreduce.am.staging-dir(mapred-site.xml) : The root directory in HDFS below which users’ job files – jar files needed by jobs, distributed cache that is local to clients, counters, and job configurations – are stored. This should be set to the value of the directory under which user directories are stored. Recommendation: /user. Used by the JobHistoryServer, clients, and ApplicationMasters.


daemon logs location

  • default dir - /var/log/hadoop-"component"

Administrating Hadoop


the filesystem image and edit log

all filesystem client actions are recordered in the edit log. the nn also has an in-memory representation of the filesystem metadata- it updates after the edit log has been mod. the edit log goes through flushes and sync after every action to ensure no operation is lost due to machine failure

the fsimage file is a persistent checkpoint of the filesystem metadata. it is not updated for every filesystem operation as it is a very large file. if namenode failes then the latest state of its metadata can be reconstructed in the edit log (this is safe mode).

edit log gets really big so hosting this on the secondary nn is a better option. the sec nn purppose is to produce checkpoints of the primary nn in-memory filesystem metadata. the process in which this is done:

  1. the secondary asks the primary to roll its edits file, so new edits go to a new file
  2. the secondary retrieves fsimage and edits from the primary (http get)
  3. the secondary loads fsimage into memory, applies each operation from the edits, then creates a new consolidated fsimage file
  4. the secondary sends the new fsimage back to the primary (http post).
  5. the primary replaces the old fsimage with the new one and theold edits file with the new one it started in step 1.

this can be done manually using hadoop dfsadmin -saveNamespace

Safe Mode

when the nn starts, the first thing it does is load its image file (fsimage) into memory and apply the edits from the edit log (edits). it then creates a new fsimage file (making a checkpoint).

listens to RPC and HTTP requests. however, the nn is safemode so it offers only a read-only view of the filesystem to clients.

exact block locations are stored in datanodes

during normal nn operation of the system, the nn has a map of blocks locations stored in memory. safe mode is needed to give the datanodes time to checkin to the namenode with theit block lists, so the nn can be informed of enough block locations to run the silesystem effectively

in safe mode the namenode does not issue any block-replication or delegation instructions to the datanodes

safemode is exited when the minimal replication condition is reached (99.9%) of the blocks in the whole filesystem meet thier min replication level

hadoop dfsadmin -safemode get : checks if safemode is on

hadoop dfsadmin -safemode enter : enters safemode

hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave : leaves

Audit loggin

implememnted using log4j and default at the WARN level. change the log4j properties audit to INFO for more information on all events


dfsadmin : multipurpose tool for finding information about the state of the HDFS, as well as admin tasks.


Filesystem check (fsck) : utility for checking the health of files in HDFS. tool looks for blocks that are missing from all datanodes, as well as under or over replicated blocks e.g

hadoop fsck / hadoop fsck /user/bob/part-00007 -files -blocks -racks

fsck retrieves all of its information from the namenode and does not coomunicate with any datanodes to retrieve any block data

Data block scanner

allows bad blocks to be detected and fixed before they are read by clients. the dataBlockScanner maintains a list of blocks to verify and scan them one by one for checksum errors dfs.datanode.scan.period.hours default to 504 hours (3 weeks) to perform scans.


the distribution of blocks across datanodes can become unbalanced. this can affect locality for mapreduce and put greater strain on the highly utilized datanodes

the balancer is a daemon that redistributed blocks by moving them from overutilized datanodes to underutilized datanodes.

utilization of every data nodes is the ratio of used space on the node to total capacity of the node differs from the utilization of the cluster ratio of used space on the cluster to total capacity of the cluster. start-balancer.sh


the master daemons are the most important to monitor. failure of datanodes are to be expected on large clusters so you should provide extra capacity so that the cluster can tolerate having a small % of dead nodes at any time.


hadoop daemons have a web page for changing the log level for any log4j log name found at /logLevel.

hadoop daemonlog -setLevel jobtracker-host:50030 org.apache.hadoop.mapred.jobTracker DEBUG or change the log4j properties file.


the HDFS and MR daemons collect information about events and measurements that are collectively known as metrics

metrics belong to a context, hadoop uses "dfs", "mapreduce", "rpc" and "jvm" contexts metrics are configured in the conf/hadoop-metrics.properties file. default is set to null

Java Management Extensions (JMX)

is a standard API for monitoring and managing applications. there are several management beans (MBeans) which expose hadoop metrics to JMX-aware applications


(routine admin procedures)

metadata backups:

if the nn's persistent metadata is lost or damanged the entire filesystem is rendered unuasable. should keep multiple copies of different ages (hour, day, week etc) to protect agasint corruption

straighforward way to make backups is to write a script to periodically archive the secondary namenode's previous.checkpoint sub-dir to an offsite location. script should test integrity of the copy. this can be done by starting a local namenode daemon and verifying that it has successfully read the fsimage andedits file into memory

Data backups

backup strategy is essential. prioritise data to be backed up. highest is that which cannot be regenerated and critical to business

the distcp tool is ideal for making backups to other hdfs clusters because it can copy in parrallel

run Filesystem check (fsck) daily run Filesystem balancer regularly

Commissioning and Decommissioning nodes

commissionging new nodes: Datanodes that are permitted to connect to the namenode are specified in a file whose name is specified by the dfs.hosts preperty. file resides in nn. contains a line for each datanode specified by a network address

1) add the netwrok address of the new nodes to the include file 2) update the namenode with the new set of permitted datanodes using hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes 3) update the jobtracker with the new set of permitted tasktrackers using hadoop mradmin -refreshNodes 4) update the slaves file with the new nodes so they are included in future opps. 5) start the new datanode 6) check they appear

then run balancer

Decommissioning old nodes:

with a replication level of three eg, the chances are very high that you will lose data by simultaneously shutting down three datanodes if they are on different racks. you first have to inform the namenode you wish to take a dn out of circulation so that it can replicate blocks to other nodes.

decomm process is controlled by an exclude file which for hdfs is set by dfs.hosts.exclude property.

1) add the network address of the nodes to be decomm to the exlude file. do not update unclude file at this point 2) update the namenode with the new set of permitted datanodes, using ```hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes 3) update tasktrackers 5) shutdown decomm nodes 6) remove nodes from the include file then refreshNodes again.


hdfs status

hdfs fsck checks for missing or corrupt data blocks. options of -files, -blocks, -locations, -racks

/lost+found : a corrupted file is one where all replicas of a block are missing

hdfs dfsadmin -report list information about hdfs on a per-datanode basis

hdfs dfsadmin -refreshNodes re-read the dfs.hosts and dfs.hosts.exclude files

hdfs dfsadmin -safemode enter /leave

hdfs dfsadmin -saveNamespace save the namenode metadata to disk and resets edit log

hdfs dfsadmin -allowsnapshot "dir_name" snapshot of hdfs dir

Misc (hadoop operations)

Network design: 1 Gb versus 10 Gb Networks

Hadoop does not require one or the other; however, it can benefit from the additional bandwidth and lower latency of 10 Gb connectivity. So the question really becomes one of whether the benefits outweigh the cost. You have to consider the cost differential of the switches, the host adapters (as 10 GbE LAN on motherboard is still not yet pervasive), optics, and even cabling, to decide if 10 Gb networking is feasible

Those that primarily run ETL-style or other high input to output data ratio MapReduce jobs may prefer the additional bandwidth of a 10 Gb network. Analytic MapReduce jobs—those that primarily count or aggregate numbers—perform far less network data transfer during the shuffle phase, and may not benefit at all from such an investment.

typical network topology

Tradtional Tree (N-tiered) A tree may have multiple tiers, each of which brings together (or aggregates) the branches of another tier. Hosts are connected to leaf or access switches in a tree, which are then connected via one or more uplinks to the next tier. The number of tiers required to build a network depends on the total number of hosts that need to be supported


installing hive

t’s handy to put Hive on your path to make it easy to launch: % export HIVE_HOME=~/sw/apache-hive-x.y.z-bin % export PATH=$PATH:$HIVE_HOME/bin

Hive shell

show tables

(The database stores its files in a directory called metastore_db, which is relative to the location from which you ran the hive command.)

You can also run the Hive shell in noninteractive mode. The -f option runs the com‐ mands in the specified file, which is script.q in this example: % hive -f script.q

Tables are stored as directories under Hive’s warehouse directory, which is controlled by the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir and defaults to /user/hive/warehouse.

Configure hive

Hive is configured using an XML configuration file like Hadoop’s. The file is called hive- site.xml and is located in Hive’s conf directory. The same directory contains hive-default.xml, which documents the properties that Hive exposes and their default values.

over-riding default config: hive --config /Users/tom/dev/hive-conf or change HIVE_CONF_DIR

For example, the following command ensures buckets are populated according to the table definition (see “Buck‐ ets” on page 495): hive> SET hive.enforce.bucketing=true; To see the current value of any property, use SET with just the property name: hive> SET hive.enforce.bucketing; hive.enforce.bucketing=true

There is a precedence hierarchy to setting properties. In the following list, lower num‐ bers take precedence over higher numbers:

  1. The Hive SET command
  2. The command-line -hiveconf option
  3. hive-site.xml and the Hadoop site files (core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, mapred- site.xml, and yarn-site.xml)
  4. The Hive defaults and the Hadoop default files (core-default.xml, hdfs-default.xml, mapred-default.xml, and yarn-default.xml)


You can find Hive’s error log on the local filesystem at ${java.io.tmpdir}/${user.name}/hive.log. The logging configuration is in conf/hive-log4j.properties, and you can edit this file to change log levels and other logging-related settings.

The Metastore

by default, hive uses a metastore on the users local machine (apache Derby). a shared metastore is a database such as mysql

hive clients make calls to the hive metastore service using the Thrift API (JDBC)

hive runs on a users machine, not on the hadoop cluster itself. to install and configure. configure client so hive can access hadoop cluster via core-site.xml, yarn-site.xml and mapred-site.xml

the metastore is the central repo of Hive metadata. it is divided into two pieces: 1) a service 2) backing store for the data

The solution to supporting multiple sessions (and therefore multiple users) is to use a standalone database. This configuration is referred to as a local metastore, since the metastore service still runs in the same process as the Hive service, but connects to a database running in a separate process, either on the same machine or on a remote machine.

Table 17-1. Important metastore configuration properties

Property name Type Default value Description hive.metastore . warehouse.dir URI /user/hive/ warehouse The directory relative to fs.defaultFS where managed tables are stored.

hive.metastore.uris Comma-separated URIs Not set If not set (the default), use an in- process metastore, otherwise connect to one or more remote metastores, specified by a list of URIs. Clients connect in a round- robin fashion when there are multiple remote servers.

javax.jdo.option. ConnectionURL URI jdbc:derby:;database The JDBC URL of the metastore database. Name=metastore_db; create=true

javax.jdo.option. ConnectionDriverName String org.apache.derby. The JDBC driver classname. jdbc.EmbeddedDriver

javax.jdo.option. ConnectionUserName String APP The JDBC username.

javax.jdo.option. ConnectionPassword String mine The JDBC password.

Schema on Read Versus Schema on Write

In a traditional database, a table’s schema is enforced at data load time. If the data being loaded doesn’t conform to the schema, then it is rejected. This design is sometimes called schema on write because the data is checked against the schema when it is written into the database. Hive, on the other hand, doesn’t verify the data when it is loaded, but rather when a query is issued. This is called schema on read.


a hive table is logically made up of data being stored and the associted metadata describing the layout of the data in the table. resides in hdfs, although can reside in any hadoop fs, including local or s3.

hive stored the metadata in a relational database, not in hdfs

e.g. CREATE TABLE managed_table (dummy STRING); LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/tom/data.txt' INTO table managed_table;

will move the file hdfs://user/tom/data.txt into Hive’s warehouse directory for the managed_table table, which is hdfs://user/hive/warehouse/managed_table

The load operation is very fast because it is just a move or re‐name within a filesystem. However, bear in mind that Hive does not check that the files in the table directory conform to the schema declared for the table, even for managed tables. If there is a mismatch, this will become apparent at query time, often by the query returning NULL for a missing field

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE external_table (dummy STRING) LOCATION '/user/tom/external_table'; LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/tom/data.txt' INTO TABLE external_table;

With the EXTERNAL keyword, Hive knows that it is not managing the data, so it doesn’t move it to its warehouse directory. Indeed, it doesn’t even check whether the external location exists at the time it is defined. This is a useful feature because it means you can create the data lazily after creating the table.

Partitions and buckets

hive organizes tables into partitions, a way of dividing a table into coarse-grained parts based on the value of a partition colum e.g date.

tables or partitions may be subdivided further into buckets to give extra structure to the data that may be used for more efficient queries.

Partitions are defined at table creation time using the PARTITIONED BY clause, 7 which takes a list of column definitions. For the hypothetical logfiles example, we might define a table with records comprising a timestamp and the log line itself: CREATE TABLE logs (ts BIGINT, line STRING) PARTITIONED BY (dt STRING, country STRING);

or on load

LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH 'input/hive/partitions/file1' INTO TABLE logs PARTITION (dt='2001-01-01', country='GB');


storage formats

two dimentions that govern table storage in Hive:

  • the row format
  • the file format

row format dictates how rows, and the fields in a particular row, are stored. row format is defined by a SerDe "Serializer-Deserializer"


uses the same shared metastore that hive uses. impala does not turn queries into mapreduce jobs. impala queries run on an additional set of daemons that run on the hadoop cluster (refered to as impala servers).

impala servers should reside on each datanode host. one impala state store server and one impala catalog server on the cluster

to configure:

Copy hive-site.xml, core-site.xml, hdfs-site.xml, and log4j.properties to /etc/impala/conf on all the hosts that will run Impala Servers

configure startup options in /etc/default/impala on all hosts that will run impalad, the impala state store server, or the impala catalog server

impala uses a dedicated daemon that tuns on each datanode in the cluster. when a client runs a query it contacts an arbitary node running an impala daemon, which acts as a coordinator node for the query. the coordinator sends work to other impala daemons in the cluster and combines their results into the full result set for the query.

dfs.client.read.shortcircuit (hdfs-site.xml) Allows daemons to read directly off their host’s disks instead of having to open a socket to talk to DataNodes. Required value: true.

dfs.domain.socket.path (hdfs-site.xml) Short-circuit reads use a UNIX domain socket, which requires a path. Recommended value: /var/run/ hadoop-hdfs/dn._PORT. dfs.client.file/block/ storage/locations.timeout. millis (hdfs-site.xml) Timeout on a call to get the locations of required file blocks. Recommended value: 10000."" dfs.datanode.hdfs-blocks- metadata.enabled (hdfs-site.xml) Expose the disk on a datanode on which a block resides. Recommended value: true.

in /etc/default/impala:



-mem_limit argument in export IMPALA_SERVER_ARGS statement : the amount of system memory available to impala. default is 100%

impala uses the Hive metastore.


distributed applications are hard to write. it is made hard because of partial failure. wheen a message is sent across the network between two nodes and the network fails, the sender does not know whether the receiver got the message. ZooKeeper cant make partial failures go away however it does not hide them. what zooKeeper does do is give you a set of tools to build distributed applications that can safely handle partial failures

Characteristics of Zookeer:

  • simple at its core, zooker is a stripped down filesystem that exposes a few simple operations, and some extra abstrations such as notifications.
  • expressive can be used to build a large lass of coordination data structures and protocls. e.g distributed queues, distributed locks etc
  • Highly available it runs on a collection of machines and is designed to be HA, applications can depend on it
  • facilitates loosely coupled interactions it can be used as a rendezvous mechanism so that processes that otherwise dont know of each others existencecan discover and interact with eachother
  • it is a library provides an open source, shared repo of implementatinos and recipes of common coordination patterns. e.g. do not have to write common protocols

configuring zookeeper

config file called zoo.cf and placed in the conf subdirectory. can be places in /etc/zookeeper

to check whether zk is running, send the ruok command (are you ok?) to client port using nc echo ruok | nc localhost 2181


can run in two modes:

  • standalone mode - there is a single zk server. good for testing
  • replicated mode - used on a clster of machines. zk achieves high-availability through replication, and can provide a service as long as a majority of the machines in the ensemble (machines with zk) are up. e.g. in a 5 node ensemble, any two machines can fail and the service will still work because a marjoirty of three remain. a 6 node ensemble can also tolerate only two machines failing, since with three failures the remaining three do not constitute a majority of the six. it is usefil to have an odd number of machines in the ensemble

exam question:

What describes the relationship between MapReduce and Hive?

Correct Answer: Hive provides no additional capabilities to MapReduce. Hive programs are executed as MapReduce jobs via the Hive interpreter.

Hive is a framework that translates queries written in Hive QL into jobs that are executed by the MapReduce framework. Hive does not provide any functionality that isn't provided by MapReduce, but it makes some types of data operations significantly easier to perform.

Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between MapReduce and Pig?

Correct Answer: Pig provides no additional capabilities to MapReduce. Pig programs are executed as MapReduce jobs via the Pig interpreter.

Pig is a framework that translates programs written in Pig Latin into jobs that are executed by the MapReduce framework. Pig does not provide any functionality that isn't provided by MapReduce, but it makes some types of data operations significantly easier to perform.

What is the rule governing the formatting of the underlying filesystem on slave nodes in a Hadoop cluster?

Correct Answer: They can use different filesystems.

HDFS runs on top of a machine’s native filesystem. Each slave node runs a DataNode daemon, but those daemons are independent of each other; there is no requirement that each is running on top of the same filesystem. So you could, for example, have some slave nodes with disks formatted as ext3, some with disks formatted as ext4, and some with disks formatted as xfs. From a system administration point of view this would not be a particularly sensible thing to do, as it is much easier to administer your cluster if the machines are configured as similarly as possible, but it is certainly not a requirement that they all use the same filesystem.

Using Hadoop’s default settings, how much data will you be able to store on your Hadoop cluster if it has 12 nodes with 4TB of raw disk space per node allocated to HDFS storage?

Correct Answer: Approximately 16TB

By default, Hadoop replicates each HDFS block three times. So if your cluster has 12 nodes, each with 4TB of disk space allocated to HDFS, you have a total of 48TB of space available. 48/3 = 16, so you can store approximately 16TB of data

You have a cluster running with the Fair Scheduler enabled and configured. You submit multiple jobs to the cluster. Each job is assigned to a pool. What are the two key points to remember about how jobs are scheduled with the Fair Scheduler?

Correct Answer: Pools get a dynamically-allocated share of the available task slots (subject to additional constraints). Each pool’s share of task slots may change throughout the course of job execution.

Pools are allocated their ‘fair share’ of task slots based on the total number of slots available, and also the demand in the pool -- a pool will never be allocated more slots than it needs. The pool’s share of slots may change based on jobs running in other pools; a pool with a minimum share configured, for example, may take slots away from another pool to reach that minimum share when a job runs in that pool.

*The ResourceManager (RM) and the per-node slave NodeManager (NM) form the data-computation framework. The ResourceManager is the ultimate authority that arbitrates resources among all the applications in the system. The ResourceManager may be configured to use different schedulers to provide different algorithms for optimization.

You have configured the Fair Scheduler on your Hadoop cluster. You submit a job A, so that ONLY job A is running on the cluster. Job A requires more task resources than are available simultaneously on the cluster. Later you submit job B. Now job A and job B are running on the cluster at the same time.

Identify two aspects of how the Fair Scheduler will arbitrate cluster resources for these two jobs?

Correct Answer: When job A gets submitted, it consumes all the task resources available on the cluster. When job B gets submitted, it will be allocated task resources, while job A continues to run with fewer task resources available to it.

The Fair Scheduler is designed to ensure that multiple jobs can run simultaneously on a cluster. If only one job is running on the cluster, it will consume as many task resources as it needs, up to the total capacity of the cluster. However, if another job is submitted, those jobs are then fair scheduled, so that each gets an even number of task resources.

The MRv1 Fair Scheduler allocates task resources based on available "slots". The maximum slots on a slave node is set in the configuration files. Administrators set those values based on the memory and cpu resources available for that system and taking into consideration the requirements of the average tasks run in that cluster. The JobTracker receives heartbeats to know the number of slots in use and available.

The YARN Fair Scheduler allocates containers to be used for tasks and containers are allocated based on available memory and/or vcores which are collectively called "resources". Each application may request a different amount of required resources. The maximum memory and vcores available for YARN on a particular system can be controlled in the config files by the administrator. An administrator may choose to reserve some memory or cpu resources for other processes such as HBase or Impala or even just for the local operating system. The Resource Manager receives heartbeats to know what resources are in use and available

*The NameNode receives heartbeats from DataNodes every three seconds. After five minutes (by default) without a heartbeat, the NameNode marks a DataNode as “dead.” After 10 minutes and 30 seconds, it begins to re-replicates the blocks which were held on that node.

Identify which three actions you can accomplish once you implement HDFS High Availability (HA) on your Hadoop cluster.

Correct Answer: Shut one NameNode down for maintenance without halting the cluster. Manually ‘fail over’ between NameNodes. Automatically ‘fail over’ between NameNodes if one goes down.

*HDFS works hard to ensure that a file’s replication factor is honored. If a node leaves the cluster, any under-replicated blocks will be re-replicated elsewhere. If that node then rejoins the cluster, some blocks are over-replicated and therefore one copy of each of those blocks must be deleted. The NameNode essentially chooses a random copy of the block to be deleted (although if a rack topology script is in place, the rack placement policy will be honored). Some of the blocks may be deleted from the node which just rejoined the cluster, but that is not guaranteed, and certainly it is not the case that all blocks from that node will be deleted.

How does the NameNode know which DataNodes are currently available on a cluster?

Correct Answer: DataNodes heartbeat in to the master on a regular basis.

DataNodes heartbeat in to the master every three seconds. When a DataNode heartbeats in to the NameNode the first time, the NameNode marks it as being available. DataNodes can be listed in a file pointed to by the dfs.hosts property, but this only lists the names of possible DataNodes. It is not a definitive list of those which are available but, rather, a list of the only machines which may be used as DataNodes if they begin to heartbeat.


A client application writes a file to HDFS on your cluster. Which two metadata changes occur?

Correct Answer: The metadata in RAM on the NameNode is updated The change is written to the edits file

The NameNode metadata contains information about every file stored in HDFS. The NameNode holds the metadata in RAM for fast access, so any change is reflected in that RAM version. However, this is not sufficient for reliability, since if the NameNode crashes information on the change would be lost. For that reason, the change is also written to a log file known as the edits file.

Assuming HDFS default settings, why does HBase write to the WAL (write-ahead log)?

Correct Answer: To ensure that data isn’t lost in the event of a RegionServer failure

You have a cluster running 32 slave nodes and three master nodes, running MapReduce v1 (MRv1). You execute the command:

hadoop fsck /

Correct Answer: The number of DataNodes in the cluster The number of under-replicated blocks in the cluster

In its standard form, hadoop fsck / will return information about the cluster including the number of DataNodes and the number of under-replicated blocks.

To view a list of all the files in the cluster, the command would be hadoop fsck / -files

To view a list of all the blocks, and the locations of the blocks, the command would be hadoop fsck / -files -blocks -locations

Additionally, the -racks option would display the rack topology information for each block.

On a cluster which is NOT running HDFS High Availability, which four pieces of information does the NameNode store on disk?

Correct Answer: Names of the files in HDFS The directory structure of the files in HDFS An edit log of changes that have been made since the last snapshot compaction by the Secondary NameNode File permissions of the files in HDFS

The NameNode holds its metadata in RAM for fast access. However, it also needs to persist that information to disk. The initial metadata on disk is stored in a file called fsimage. Metadata in fsimage includes the names of all the files in HDFS, their locations (the directory structure), and file permissions. Whenever a change is made to the metadata (such as a new file being created, or a file being deleted), that information is written to a file on disk called edits. Periodically, the Secondary NameNode coalesces the edits and fsimage files and writes the result back as a new fsimage file, at which point the NameNode can delete its old edits file.

The NameNode has no knowledge of when it was last backed up. Heartbeat information from the DataNodes is held in RAM but is not persisted to disk.

You are configuring a highly available production HBase cluster and have specified a ZooKeeper ensemble of 5 nodes. How many simultaneous ZooKeeper outages can your ensemble handle?

In order to form a proper ZooKeeper quorum, you need at least 3. Therefore, a ZooKeeper ensemble of 5 allows 2 peers to fail.

Further Reading HBase documentation on ZooKeeper, in particular the section: How many ZooKeepers should I run? You can run a ZooKeeper ensemble that comprises 1 node only but in production it is recommended that you run a ZooKeeper ensemble of 3, 5 or 7 machines; the more members an ensemble has, the more tolerant the ensemble is of host failures. Further, you should run an odd number of machines. In ZooKeeper, an even number of peers is supported, but it is normally not used because an even-sized ensemble requires, proportionally, more peers to form a quorum than an odd sized ensemble requires. For example, an ensemble with 4 peers requires 3 to form a quorum, while an ensemble with 5 also requires 3 to form a quorum. Thus, an ensemble of 5 allows 2 peers to fail, and thus is more fault tolerant than the ensemble of 4, which allows only 1 down peer.

You have configured your cluster’s dfs.hosts property to point to a file on your NameNode listing all the DataNode hosts allowed to join your cluster. You add a new node to the cluster and update dfs.hosts to include the new host. What do you need to do next to ensure the NameNode reads the change?

Correct Answer: You should issue the command hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes.

The dfs.hosts property is optional, but if it is configured, it lists all of the machines which are allowed to act as DataNodes on the cluster. The NameNode reads this file when it starts up. To force the NameNode to re-read the file, you should issue the hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes command. The NameNode will, of course, also re-read the file if it is restarted, but that is not necessary, and it is certainly not necessary to restart any of the DataNodes on the cluster.


You set the value of mapred.child.java.opts to -Xmx200M on all TaskTrackers in the cluster. You set the same configuration parameter to -Xmx500M on the JobTracker. What size heap will a Map task running on the cluster have?

Correct Answer: 200MB

mapred.child.java.opts is a setting which is read by the TaskTracker when it starts up. The value configured on the JobTracker has no effect; it is the value on the slave node which is used. (The value can be modified by a job, if it contains a different value for the parameter.)


You have a Hadoop cluster running HDFS, and a gateway machine external to the cluster from which clients submit jobs. What do you need to do in order to run Impala on the cluster and submit jobs from the command line of the gateway machine?

Correct Answer: Install the statestored daemon on one machine in your cluster Install the catalogd daemon on one machine in your cluster Install the impalad daemon on each machine in your cluster Install the Impala shell (impala-shell) on your gateway machine

To run Impala on your cluster, you should have the impalad daemon running on each machine in the cluster. Impala requires just one instance of the statestore daemon and one instance of the catalogd daemon; each of these should run on a node (ideally the same one) in the cluster. Finally, the impala shell allows users to connect to, and submit queries to, the Impala daemons, and so should be installed on the gateway machine.


What does the io.sort.mb parameter control?

Correct Answer: The size of the in-memory circular buffer into which a Map task writes data before that data is written to disk

When Mappers emit intermediate data, that data is written to disk. However, it is not written directly to disk; instead, it is written to a buffer in RAM and, when the size of the data in the buffer reaches a certain threshhold, it is sorted and then written (“spilled”) to disk. The size of the buffer is controlled by the io.sort.mb parameter; the default is 100MB.


On a cluster which is NOT running HDFS High Availability, which four pieces of information does the NameNode store on disk?

Correct Answer: Names of the files in HDFS The directory structure of the files in HDFS An edit log of changes that have been made since the last snapshot compaction by the Secondary NameNode File permissions of the files in HDFS

The NameNode holds its metadata in RAM for fast access. However, it also needs to persist that information to disk. The initial metadata on disk is stored in a file called fsimage. Metadata in fsimage includes the names of all the files in HDFS, their locations (the directory structure), and file permissions. Whenever a change is made to the metadata (such as a new file being created, or a file being deleted), that information is written to a file on disk called edits. Periodically, the Secondary NameNode coalesces the edits and fsimage files and writes the result back as a new fsimage file, at which point the NameNode can delete its old edits file.

The NameNode has no knowledge of when it was last backed up. Heartbeat information from the DataNodes is held in RAM but is not persisted to disk.


What four functions do scheduling algorithms perform on a Hadoop cluster?

Correct Answer: Reduce job latencies in an environment with multiple jobs of different sizes. Allow multiple users to share clusters in a predictable, policy-guided manner. Support the implementation of service-level agreements for multiple cluster users. Allow short jobs to complete even when large, long jobs (consuming a lot of resources) are running.

Fair scheduling is a method of assigning resources to applications such that all apps get, on average, an equal share of resources over time. Hadoop NextGen is capable of scheduling multiple resource types. By default, the Fair Scheduler bases scheduling fairness decisions only on memory. It can be configured to schedule with both memory and CPU, using the notion of Dominant Resource Fairness developed by Ghodsi et al. When there is a single app running, that app uses the entire cluster. When other apps are submitted, resources that free up are assigned to the new apps, so that each app eventually on gets roughly the same amount of resources. Unlike the default Hadoop scheduler, which forms a queue of apps, this lets short apps finish in reasonable time while not starving long-lived apps. It is also a reasonable way to share a cluster between a number of users. Finally, fair sharing can also work with app priorities - the priorities are used as weights to determine the fraction of total resources that each app should get.

The scheduler organizes apps further into "queues", and shares resources fairly between these queues. By default, all users share a single queue, named “default”. If an app specifically lists a queue in a container resource request, the request is submitted to that queue. It is also possible to assign queues based on the user name included with the request through configuration. Within each queue, a scheduling policy is used to share resources between the running apps. The default is memory-based fair sharing, but FIFO and multi-resource with Dominant Resource Fairness can also be configured. Queues can be arranged in a hierarchy to divide resources and configured with weights to share the cluster in specific proportions.

In addition to providing fair sharing, the Fair Scheduler allows assigning guaranteed minimum shares to queues, which is useful for ensuring that certain users, groups or production applications always get sufficient resources. When a queue contains apps, it gets at least its minimum share, but when the queue does not need its full guaranteed share, the excess is split between other running apps. This lets the scheduler guarantee capacity for queues while utilizing resources efficiently when these queues don't contain applications.

The Fair Scheduler lets all apps run by default, but it is also possible to limit the number of running apps per user and per queue through the config file. This can be useful when a user must submit hundreds of apps at once, or in general to improve performance if running too many apps at once would cause too much intermediate data to be created or too much context-switching. Limiting the apps does not cause any subsequently submitted apps to fail, only to wait in the scheduler's queue until some of the user's earlier apps finish.


Your Hadoop cluster has 12 worker nodes, a block size set to 64MB, and a replication factor of three. All worker nodes are running DataNode daemons and TaskTracker daemons and all daemons are running normally.

Which best describes how the Hadoop framework distributes block writes into HDFS from a Reducer outputting a 150MB file?

Correct Answer: The worker node on which the Reducer runs gets the first copy of every block written. Other block replicas will be placed on other nodes

In our example, with a block size of 64MB and a replication factor of 3, when the Reducer writes the file it will be split into three blocks (a 64MB block, another 64MB block, and a 22MB block). Each block will be replicated three times. For efficiency, if a client (in this case the Reduce task) is running on a cluster node, the first replica of each block it creates will be sent to the DataNode daemon running on that same node. The other two replicas will be written to DataNodes on other machines in the cluster


How should you configure the Secondary NameNode daemon when implementing HDFS High Availability (HA)?

Correct Answer: Reconfigure the Secondary NameNode as another master node (e.g., Standby NameNode) as HDFS High Availability (HA) does not require a Secondary NameNode

A Secondary NameNode is not required in a HDFS High Availability mode and should be removed from the cluster when migrating from a non-HA configuration. The checkpoint functions for the namespace will be performed by the Standby NameNode in a HDFS HA configuration.


Test : HDFS Design

Once a client application validates its identity and is granted access to a file in a cluster, what is the remainder of the read path back to the client?

Correct Answer: The NameNode gives the client the block IDs and a list of DataNodes on which those blocks are found, and the application reads the blocks directly from the DataNodes.

When a client wishes to read a file from HDFS, it contacts the NameNode and requests the locations and names of the first few blocks in the file. It then directly contacts the DataNodes containing those blocks to read the data. It would be very wasteful to move blocks around the cluster based on a client’s read request, so that is never done. Similarly, if all data was passed via the NameNode, the NameNode would immediately become a serious bottleneck and would slow down the cluster operation dramatically


The NameNode needs to know which DataNodes hold each HDFS block. How is that block location information managed?

Correct Answer: The NameNode stores the block locations in RAM. They are never stored on disk

The NameNode never stores the HDFS block locations on disk; it only stores the names of the blocks associated with each file. After the NameNode starts up, each DataNode heartbeats in and sends its block report, which lists all the blocks it holds. The NameNode keeps that information in RAM


How does the NameNode know which DataNodes are currently available on a cluster?

Correct Answer: DataNodes heartbeat in to the master on a regular basis.

DataNodes heartbeat in to the master every three seconds. When a DataNode heartbeats in to the NameNode the first time, the NameNode marks it as being available. DataNodes can be listed in a file pointed to by the dfs.hosts property, but this only lists the names of possible DataNodes. It is not a definitive list of those which are available but, rather, a list of the only machines which may be used as DataNodes if they begin to heartbeat.


Which two daemons typically run on each slave node in a Hadoop cluster running MapReduce v2 (MRv2) on YARN?

Correct Answer: DataNode NodeManager

Each slave node in a cluster configured to run MapReduce v2 (MRv2) on YARN typically runs a DataNode daemon (for HDFS functions) and NodeManager daemon (for YARN functions). The NodeManager handles communication with the ResourceManager, oversees application container lifecycles, monitors CPU and memory resource use of the containers, tracks the node health, and handles log management. It also makes available a number of auxiliary services to YARN applications.


What is the difference between yarn-site.xml and yarn-default.xml?

Correct Answer: yarn-default.xml specifies YARN defaults and serves mainly as documentation. yarn-site.xml specifies custom configuration values and overrides the property values of yarn-default.xml


During a MapReduce v2(MRv2) job submission, there are a number of steps between the ResourceManager receiving the job submission and the map tasks running on different nodes.

Order the following steps according to the flow of job submission in a YARN cluster:

  1. The ResourceManager scheduler allocates a container for the ApplicationMaster

  2. The ResourceManager application manager asks a NodeManager to launch the ApplicationMaster

  3. The ApplicationMaster determines the number of map tasks based on the input splits

4.The ApplicationMaster sends a request to the ResourceManager to assign containers for each map task

5.The ResourceManager scheduler makes a decision where to run the map tasks based on the memory requirements and data locality

  1. The ApplicationMaster sends a request to the assigned NodeManagers to run the map tasks


How does the Hadoop framework determine the number of Mappers required for a MapReduce job on a cluster running MapReduce v2 (MRv2) on YARN?

Correct Answer: The number of Mappers is equal to the number of InputSplits calculated by the client submitting the job

Each Mapper task processes a single InputSplit. The client calculates the InputSplits before submitting the job to the cluster. The developer may specify how the input split is calculated, with a single HDFS block being the most common split. This is true for both MapReduce v1 (MRv1) and YARN MapReduce implementations.

With YARN, each mapper will be run in a container which consists of a specific amount of CPU and memory resources. The ApplicationMaster requests a container for each mapper. The ResourceManager schedules the resources and instructs the ApplicationMaster of available NodeManagers where the container may be launched.

With MRv1, each Tasktracker (slave node) is configured to handle a maximum number of concurrent map tasks. The JobTracker (master node) assigns a Tasktracker a specific Inputslit to process as a single map task.


Which three describe functions of the ResourceManager in YARN?

Correct Answer: Tracking heartbeats from the NodeManagers Running a scheduler to determine how resources are allocated Monitoring the status of the ApplicationMaster container and restarting on failure

The ResourceManager has two main components: Scheduler and ApplicationsManager.

The Scheduler is responsible for allocating resources to the various running applications subject to familiar constraints of capacities, queues etc. The ResourceManger tracks heartbeats from the NodeManagers to determine available resources then schedules those resources based on the scheduler specific configuration.

The ApplicationsManager is responsible for accepting job-submissions, negotiating the first container for executing the application specific ApplicationMaster and provides the service for restarting the ApplicationMaster container on failure.

The per-application ApplicationMaster has the responsibility of negotiating appropriate resource containers from the Scheduler, tracking their status and monitoring for progress. Depending on the type of application, this may include monitoring the map and reduce tasks progress, restarting tasks, and archiving job history and meta-data.

The NodeManager is the per-machine framework agent who is responsible for containers, monitoring their resource usage (cpu, memory, disk, network) and reporting the same to the ResourceManager/Scheduler.

-- Monitoring

You are running a Hadoop cluster with a NameNode on host mynamenode. What are two ways you can determine available HDFS space in your cluster?

Correct Answer: Run hdfs dfsadmin -report and locate the DFS Remaining value. Connect to http://mynamenode:50070/ and locate the DFS Remaining value.

lsswap does not exist. memusage does not exist. jps lists the running Java processes, but does not provide any information on system memory usage. df provides information about free disk space, not RAM. top, free, and vmstat can all be used to display memory and swap information.

Additionally memory and swap usage can be viewed with cat /proc/meminfo and swap usage can be viewed with cat /proc/swaps or swapon -s


What must you do if you are running a Hadoop cluster with a single NameNode and six DataNodes, and you wish to change the configuration of all DataNodes.

Correct Answer: You must restart all six DataNode daemons to apply the changes

To change the configuration of a DataNode daemon, you must modify the configuration file on the machine on which the daemon is running, and then restart that daemon. So to change the configuration of all datanodes, after changing the configuration files you must restart all six of the DataNodes. You do not need to restart the NameNode, since its configuration has not changed.

You are using HDFS Federation to bring together three clusters configured with HDFS High Availability. How many NameNode daemons should be running per namespace?

Correct Answer: Three active NameNodes and three Standby NameNodes

This item is true regardless of HDFS Federation. Using HDFS High Availability, you should configure one Active and one Standby NameNode per namespace volume. In this item, having three namespace volumes requires having three Active and three Standby NameNodes.

Configuring more than two NameNodes per volume has not been tested and could result in corruption of the NameNode metadata.

In HDFS, a file is stored with the permissions rw-r--r-- within a directory with the permissions rwxr-xr-x. What does this tell you about the file?

Correct Answer: The file cannot be deleted by anyone but the owner

The permissions show that the file can be read from and written to (appended to or deleted) by the owner, read by anyone in the owner’s group, and read from by anyone else (it is ‘world readable’). Because group and world do not have write permissions, they cannot delete the file.

Note that the file’s contents cannot be modified by the owner (other than to append to the file) because HDFS is a write-once filesystem. Once a file has been written, its existing contents cannot be changed.

Test: Planning a Hadoop Cluster

You have data already stored in HDFS and are considering using HBase. Which additional feature does HBase provide to HDFS?

Correct Answer: Random writes

Apache HBase provides random, realtime read/write access to your data. HDFS does not allow random writes. HDFS is built for scalability, fault tolerance, and batch processing.

Test: Installation and configuration

Your cluster has nodes in seven racks. You have NOT configured your Hadoop cluster with a rack topology script. What best describes Hadoop’s block placement policy, assuming a block replication factor of three?

Correct Answer: Hadoop will write replicas of blocks to three nodes with no consideration for rack location.

If no rack topology script has been created, Hadoop has no knowledge of which rack each node is in. It cannot determine this dynamically, so it assumes that all nodes are in the same rack; when it chooses which nodes should be used for each of the three replicas of a block it therefore cannot have any consideration for rack location

Test: Monitoring

A specific node in your cluster appears to be running slower than other nodes with the same hardware configuration. You suspect a RAM failure in the system. Which commands may be used to the view the memory seen in the system?

Correct Answer: free top dmidecode

lsram does not exist. memusage does not exist. jps lists the running Java processes, but does not provide any information on system memory usage. df provides information about free disk space, not RAM. top and free can be used to display memory and swap information. In both applications the memory in use includes read cache which will be released for application use before swapping begins. dmidecode shows bios information on a running system. The amount of installed RAM and size of the modules in each slot can be found in the output.

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