Hive notes
hive sample test
CREATE TABLE words ( word string);
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH \'/usr/share/dict/words\' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE words;
SELECT * FROM words WHERE word LIKE \'%hello%\';
DROP TABLE words ;
Rename the table to hive
ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;
Check the partition table
View Hive built-in functions
show functions;
View Hive function of the specific use
desc function extended function name ; eg.desc function extended trim;
Set mapreduce memory size
Set output without compression
set hive.exec.compress.output=false;
hive using a derby db as metestore time, specify the database location. Add the following to the hive-site.xml in:
When this hive for the log This is normal. Try local mode failed. Backup to distributed mode. Please add the following configuration at the hive-site.xml, the mandatory use of distributed mode
<description> Let hive determine whether to run in local mode automatically </description>
View table structure (which can be found in specific HDFS path hive table)
desc formatted table name