Install from Source

Download and unzip the package Typically the source code you download will be compressed in a .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 format. If the source code you've downloaded is in the format application.tar.gz, use the following command to uncompress it .

tar xvfz application.tar.gz

If the source code you've downloaded is in the format application.tar.bz2, use the following command to uncompress it.

tar xvfj application.tar.bz2

Configure Once you uncompress the source tar file, it will create a subdirectory in the name of the application. CD to this directory.

cd application

Do a ./configure --help which will display all application specific configuration options that are available to you.

./configure --help

In most cases, you can just do ./configure which will use all default values to perform the configuration. This will perform necessary pre-req checks. This will also generate the Makefile required for the installation.


Make and Install Make command will use the Makefile created from the above step and create the application binary executable.


Finally, do 'make install' which will install the application in the appropriate location.

make install

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