Import the file into the database
\COPY table_name FROM 'filepath' WITH DELIMITER ' '
Alter column types from the character (255) as varchar (255)
ALTER TABLE mytable ALTER COLUMN hostname TYPE varchar(255);
Postgresql Data Types
Field Type | Aliases | Description |
bigint | int8 | Signed 8-byte integer |
bit | [(n)] | Fixed-length bit string |
bit varying [(n)] | varbit | Variable-length bit string |
boolean | bool | Boolean logic (true / false) |
bytea | Binary data ("byte array") | |
character varying [(n)] | varchar (n) | Variable-length strings |
character [(n)] | char (n) | Fixed-length string |
text | Variable-length strings | |
inet | IPv4 or IPv6 network address | |
macaddr | MAC address | |
smallint | int, int2 | Signed two-byte integer |
integer | int4 | Signed four-byte integer |
real | float4 | Single-precision floating-point number |
double precision | float8 | Double-precision floating-point number |
date | Calendar date (year, month, day) | |
timestamp [(p)] [without time zone] | Date and Time |
Check the size of each table in the database
Start postgresql
bin/pg_ctl start -D pg_data
Stop postgresql
/bin/pg_ctl stop -D pg_data
Single table backup
pg_dump -t 表名 > backup.sql
Restore a single table
psql -f backup.sql
Empty all the contents of the table, reserved table structure
truncate tablename
Create User & Authorization
# Enter the psql command line
CREATE USER username WITH PASSWORD 'password';
GRANT SELECT ON TABLE tablname TO username ;
See the list of users
# or
select * from pg_shadow ;
Specifies the user's permission
# Psql interactive command line enter
select * from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.role_table_grants where grantee='username';