Howto Install and Configure Cobbler on Centos 6
This document describes the steps to get cobbler up and running on Centos 6 After the installation finnishes we need to perform the following steps before we can install Cobbler:
- Configure the network interfaces 2. Configure the resolver
- Disable Selinux
- Disable Iptables Firewall
- Install EPEL Yum Repository
Configure Linux
Configure the network interfaces
In Redhat 6 Network configurations are handled by network-manager. Since I always install a minimalistic server network-manager is by default not installed and configuration should be done the old fashioned way by edditing the configuration files directly. First we set the correct hostname and gateway
vi /etc/sysconfig/network
Configure the resolver
Disable selinux
Change the following line from:
Disable iptables
Stop Iptables:
service iptables stop
Disable iptables:
chkconfig iptables off
Install the Fedora EPEL repository
rpm -Uhv
Install Cobbler and prerequisites
Install the required packages:
yum install cobbler cobbler-web pykickstart
Enable the required services:
chkconfig httpd on
chkconfig xinetd on
chkconfig cobblerd on
Start the required services:
service httpd start
service xinetd start
service cobblerd start
Configure Cobbler and prerequisites
Install and Configure ISC Dhcp and Bind
For a complete standalone install server we need to install a local dhcp server and a dns server, we will use the bind dns software and the dhcp software both from ISC. Bind has a track record of being hard to configure because of the miriad of options but since cobbler does all the configuring for us we dont need to worry about that.
First install Bind and Dhcp
yum install -y bind bind-utils dhcp
Enable Bind
chkconfig named on
Start Bind
service named start
Enable Dhcp
chkconfig dhcpd on
Start Dhcp
service dhcpd start
Enable dns and dhcp management in cobbler
vi /etc/cobbler/modules.conf
and configure the dns and dhcp lines to look like the example below
module = manage_bind
module = manage_isc
Configuring Bind and Dhcp is done via cobbler, open the following files and make the the changes as stated below:
vi /etc/cobbler/dhcp.template
Make sure the following lines match your network configuration
subnet netmask {
option routers;
option domain-name-servers;
option subnet-mask;
range dynamic-bootp;
After the above changes it's time to restart cobbler
service cobblerd restart
All changes are now active, let's check if cobbler has any recomendations to get things working:
cobbler check
Correct settings sugested by Cobbler check command
vi /etc/cobbler/settings.conf
change the following lines in the settings file to match the example below
Now we need to install some network bootloaders
cobbler get-loaders
This will download all required boot loaders and some more exotic boot loaders for other architectures. Enable the tftpd daemon in xinetd
vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
And change the line:
disable = yes
disable = no
Enable the Rsync daemon in xinetd
vi /etc/xinetd.d/rsync
And change the line:
disable = yes
disable = no
Now we can restart xinetd
service xinetd restart